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Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Vocal now?

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Now that 5 lawyers have made same sex marriage legal throughout the land, people are really talking about it all over the place.  Of course some have been talking about it for a while.  Like Ryan T Anderson who has done a lot of good tweeting.  There are plenty of people who get pretty ugly with their replies.  But he's an expert and a PhD who has written a lot and been on several shows, debates, and panels, etc.  Sometimes he gets a bit snarky too.

One of the most interesting and civil discussions I've seen has been on a couple of FB posts from one friend.  His friends are able to post differing opinions on all sides of the issue in a really civil and respectful way. 

I also have enjoyed some of the quips like these from one friend:
Poverty and starvation do not effect my daily life, but I still care deeply about those issues.
Mom's are awesome! Every home should have one.
So, not to point out the elephant in the room, but will the polygamists get venerated too? Or are they still oppressed? (FYI: I'm not interested in participating, I'm just asking)

Unfortunately, the threads from some of my friends have been so loud that I've had to unfriend.   The interesting thing is that those have been the winners in this thing.  I guess it's kinda like a city winning a NBA championship and then celebrating by trashing the town.

There are somethings about the debate that are really interesting.  It's good to have a civil dialogue.  Some minds have been changed.  Most of those trending favorably toward same sex marriage.  I guess that is the direction of the band wagon. 

But one of the real tragedies and injustices of this court decision is that they didn't let the debate play out all the way.  Where the legitimate debate happened among the people they answered it with their votes.  In almost every case those votes were to uphold traditional marriage.  Over time the tide of public opinion may well have gone toward supporting gay marriage.  Instead it has been forced too soon.  Now the opinion of 5 people has stolen that opportunity to truly win the hearts and minds.

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